Music: Overflow - Taiwo Balogun

The song "Overflow" was birthed after a communion with the HolyGhost at night. I had a vigil with the Lord and slept thereafter, in my dream I heard and saw my self singing the song "Holy Spirit, rule and reign... Overflow"...
I woke up to singing the song as well. Grabbed my phone and saved it.
Overflow is more than a song. It is an encounter with the HolyGhost.
Overflow is a heart cry & an effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man.
We live in a time where the resources & strength of men and nations are failing. It is therefore a timely song to meeting the desire of the HolyGhost in this end time.
God said "in the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh"... May you experience the outpouring of God's Spirit  as we worship in overflow.

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