Jay Weaver of Big Daddy Weave in ICU

Jay Weaver of Big Daddy Weave in ICU

Recently on social media, Big Daddy Weave gave an update on Jay Weaver. They're asking fans to continue to pray. They shared that Jay had "an extremely difficult week, culminating in side effects from his dialysis treatments causing him to be admitted into the intensive care unit yesterday."

The medical team is working to get Jay's blood pressure stabilized and find the source of infection in his body that is causing him pain. Unfortunately, Jay was also told that another one of his fingers will have to be amputated while he's in the hospital. "Compounding this, hospital policy changed today so that he cannot have any visitors, and his wife Emily had to leave him," the band posted.

Big Daddy Weave gave four specific ways that you can pray. First, pray that Jay's blood pressure will stabilize so he can move off of the ICU floor. Second, for direction for the doctors to find the source of infection. Third, that the Holy Spirit would fill Jay's hospital room so he won't feel alone. Fourth, pray for Jay's wife Emily and his children Makenzie, Madison, and Nathan.

Source: NRT Staff Reports (GC)


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